Atlanta-based startup, Stevens Interactive Productions (SIP), was launched in 2008 by Emmy® Award Winning Director and Producer, Dave Stevens. SIP employs a team of videographers, artists, animators, 3D modelers and developers to produce live, interactive webcasts and augmented reality applications.
In 2012, SIP launched the Theatre Plus Network (TPN), an app for smart phones and mobile devices, specifically designed to make images in printed materials “come to life.” TPN is targeted for use by performing arts organizations looking to enhance printed collateral to engage audiences in a mobile interactive experience. In 2012, SIP also launched Plan Your Meetings Plus (PYM+), a customized augmented reality app for meeting and event planners who subscribe to Plan Your Meetings Magazine.
SIP has produced live webcasts for the Atlanta Symphony, the Atlanta Opera’s 24-Hour Opera Project, Actor’s Express, Atlanta’s One-Minute Play Fest, the Suzi Bass Awards, Fashion Cares, Bodies as a Work of Art, and RFD-TV.
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